About the perfume shed

Our lives are punctuated by smells, they are a gift that never fades and that allow us to travel in time and space when we smell them again. 

Like so many of us, some of my earliest memories are associated with scents.

Scent is a spell

You can’t cure a passion

Over the years as a film-maker and musician I got to visit many countries and always found myself bringing home oils, perfumes and incense. My interest became a joy then a love and now a passion.

In 2017, using the oils that I had accumulated I began to mix blends and sell them at festivals.

After exploring Aroma chemicals I found it was the Natural oils that I love. The way they evolve on the wearer and vary from on skin to skin. There is an alchemy in the creation of an accord when three of four odours combine to create a scent that does not exist naturally but is made from natural products. However sometimes I add a little of something synthetic just to tweak the blend, it doesn’t hurt !

My scents are not IFRA certified but they are eau de parfum strength (up to 20% concentration)

Spray on clothing for optimum sillage or your skin if you wish

From the Perfume Shed I create and explore the infinite possibilities that are open to me and guide visitors through their own scented journeys to help them create a perfume blend that is their’s and is made up of the smells and memories that are unique to them.

It’s your gift to the world.
